En bref :
The energy industry is undergoing an unprecedented transition, and with forward-looking governmental frameworks and technologies now in place, such as the Paris Climate Change Agreement, the market dynamic is changing.
The Energy Capital Leaders Assembly in Paris will tackle how energy players are evolving their business and financial models to make a low carbon future a reality and success for all stakeholders.
The Energy Council has partnered with the two largest power events in Europe, PowerGen International and European Utility Week, to ensure the most diverse audience possible assembles to discuss energy transition from an investment perspective. We will be bringing together investors and asset owners from traditional utilities and oil majors to look at navigating the finance and investment landscape to support the Energy Transition, and won`t just be approaching it from a geopolitical standpoint.
Through our unique format of pre-event planning, participants can maximise their time out of office with pre-scheduled One2One meetings with buy and sell-side participants. The event is specifically designed to encourage deal-flow and develop relationships in a casual and fun environment.